Friday, February 9, 2007

The Latest!


© 2007 Jo DiStefano Kapus February 9, 2007

PRAISE THE LORD! As a result of WIBG's new programming expansion, America's Silent Ambassadors is touching new listeners' hearts and renewing their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This from Rick Brancadora, WIBG's General Manager, in an inspiring e-mail last Monday. Rick has often heard me say that were it not for him and the opportunity he has given us, the "man in the street" would never hear first-hand what ordinary people do in obedience to God's Word to spread the Gospel. Praise!

SUNDAY'S GUEST Pastor Andrew P. Surace, founder and senior pastor of Covenant Life Christian Fellowship in Seaville, NJ, will be the guest on America's Silent Ambassadors this Sunday, February 11, at 2 p.m., on station WIBG, 1020AM radio dial. Pastor Andy is a graduate of Valley Forge Christian College and is ordained with MorningStar Ministries.

This will be another program focused on home missions outreach, and Pastor Andy has been very busy! Hear about his passion for church planting, and how those who attend Covenant Life are a family, rather than a congregation. Interesting, too, is his explanation of the difference between a spirit-filled church and a charismatic one. He is the author of two weekly devotionals, "Power Points from the Word" and "Stepping Stones Along the Path of Life," published in 2004 and 2005, respectively, by MorningStar Publications. A third publication is currently in the works.

Remember, you can listen online at:

VISITING MISSIONARIES John and Sharon Harvey, Directors of ASELSI (Asociacion "Equipando a los Santos" Internacional) or [Equipping the Saints International] Ministries in El Quiché, Guatemala, plan to visit New Jersey in March. John heads the educational branches of ASELSI, and Sharon, an RN, runs the clinic/pharmacy at ASELSI. To date, they have sent more than 480 students, who have graduated from their course, to be pastors/leaders in their own village churches and communities. Sharon's clinic, through her milk program, has saved hundreds of babies whose lives were at risk from malnutrition. They are praying for new partners to help them with the growth and vision they have to disciple the nations. Visit them at their website:

If you would like to have the Harveys visit your church, ask your pastors about it. If they wish, they can contact them directly by e-mail at

PLEASE PRAY for safe journey mercies for Pastor Kyle Huber and Jeff Galupo, of Greentree Church, who are scheduled to come home today. In his final e-mail from Belarus, Pastor Kyle wrote, "...This has definitely been my best trip." Praise!

Also, please pray for Lisa Whitaker, YWAM missionary, whose mother, Doris, went back to the hospital while Lisa was still on furlough. Doris was to be transferred to Absecon Manor for rehab. Lisa wrote that she would try to get to Sarajevo to tend to some details and hopes to return home to be with Mom before her next trip to the mission field in May. Pray for wisdom and strength as Lisa makes decisions in light of her Mom's health.

P.S. With her heart dedicated to serving our Lord, our own Jill Mascena, RN, is doing health screenings at a Hispanic church in Vineland. Please pray for the Lord's leading.

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