Friday, May 25, 2007

The Latest! and MORE!


© 2007 Jo DiStefano Kapus (e-mail: May 25, 2007

SUNDAY'S GUESTS: Bob and Heidi Winslow, currently serving as full-time missionaries in France, will be the guests on America's Silent Ambassadors this Sunday, May 27, at 1:30 p.m., on station WIBG, 1020AM radio dial. It will be a repeat of their April 30, 2006, radio broadcast, which detailed their entry into the Lord's service in the late 1990s and how the Lord continued to lead them. I am repeating this program for the benefit of those who might have missed it last year. The Winslows appear from time to time in this newsletter asking for your prayers as they minister in France, a country that prohibits by law the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols, claiming it threatens the country's secular identity! The Winslows are a young couple, with three young children, who face crushing atheistic forces daily in their ministry. Please continue to pray for them.

You can listen simultaneously online:


Word has been received that Greentree's Pat Tedeschi and Eric Huber, who left May 18 for Guatemala to help in John and Sharon Harvey's ASELSI Ministry, have been blessed in their efforts to teach and serve in the northwestern highlands. Please pray for them as they continue their harvesting, and for safe journey mercies when they return home Monday, May 28. Also, please pray for the Gospel Outbound team, also currently serving with ASELSI, and for their safe return home.

Onkar and Rebecca, after a fruitful sojourn in the States, returned to their Faith Calvary Ministry in Gujarat, India, this past Wednesday. After thanking all who were so kind to them while here, Rebecca wrote: "Once we get back it will be busy busy busy as you can imagine. Onkar is really going to have a lot on his plate -- solving problems, etc.. We also have our first Bible College graduation three weeks after we return and school starts right after that. Talk about hectic! We would really apreciate your prayers. ... Don't forget to check out my blog: to keep up to date with what is going on.."


As many of you know, my hubby Bob has been a permanent resident in a nursing home for more than a year. This has resulted in my having to downsize my place of domicile and, Praise the Lord!, I shall be moving from my home of almost 42 years into a single mobile home unit. Needless to say, it's a very real anxious time for me. Trust in the Lord is a way of life for all Christians. He has led willing Christian brothers and sisters to my aid. He has helped me to let go of cherished personal and household items without rancor by turning the house sale to Tower of Hope short-term missionary friends, who will conduct the sale at a near future date and use the proceeds for their evangical, medical and construction work with their homeless and destitute children in Uganda. You can help. Come to the sale and find bargains. I'll keep you posted! PRAISE!

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